A change of social environment is imperative to your development!

I'm happy for myself! Lately I have made many radical changes in my daily life and my life has improved tremendously! I am proud of myself for committing to doing everything in my power to achieve my goals! I was freed from limiting beliefs, which kept me captive and stagnant! I fought a lot and I'm still fighting, that is!
Through this constant journey, one thing I understood and continue to understand and it is none other than the fact that when you start doing things for yourself, investing in him daily, you start respecting him, loving him, setting clear limits on others! And most importantly... you stop worrying about people's opinion! You are simply focused on your goal and your vision and work with integrity and passion to achieve it! You no longer have time to waste here and there!
And that's when the landscape becomes clear! Some people stay in your life because they adapt and tune in with you, as they are on the same wavelength as you, while some others simply envy you and try to bring you down to make themselves feel better! You, however, now have the strength and mental resilience not to accept it! You have proven to yourself that you are worthy and you are not willing to tear down what you have been building for so long!
So, stop having contact with these people! You are setting out to change your social environment!

But practically, what do you do to change the social environment?
- You don't send messages and you don't call people, with whom you have nothing in common anymore!
- You reply to the messages, which are sent to you after a reasonable period of time, in a simple and comprehensive way!
- You consciously avoid going out with these people, citing that you can't and that you have consecutive obligations, without clarifying exactly what you have to do! You don't have to report to anyone!
- You speak and express yourself in a polite way to these people! You don't scold them for their attitude towards you! Simply, you don't care, protecting your mental health and giving a clear, but also "difficult" answer to these people!

Don't blame the people you associate with for the life you have! You chose them and put them in your life! Therefore, whenever you want, you take them out and put them in their place, after you first stay alone to see what you really want, so that you can recognize and identify it when you see it!
Thank these people from within, as they were for a long time your unbearable mirror, which you decided to accept and change! They were your "alarm clock", alerting you that something had to change immediately! Of course, of course, you are responsible for this change of yours! You changed your thinking and replaced your limiting beliefs with empowering ones!
At some point the time will come for them to revise things, through disappointments and rejections! But even if he doesn't come, don't worry! Look at yourself! And this is not selfishness! It is self-respect, self-care and love for yourself, which you have suffered for so many years!
It's the least you can do!
Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
- lifecoaching.gs@gmail.com
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