Ζήσε τα δικά σου υπέροχα Χριστούγεννα!
Ζήσε τα δικά σου υπέροχα Χριστούγεννα! Η Δήμητρα Παραδέλη γράφει… Χριστούγεννα. Μία γιορτή, χιλιάδες συναισθήματα. Δρόμοι γεμάτοι, μυρωδιές στους φούρνους,
A variety of Life Coaching and Psychology Articles are at your disposal!
It is my pleasure to share our views so that our interaction can be a resource for her
Evolution and our Personal Development!
In addition, you can share with your loved ones what you think will inspire them!
Ζήσε τα δικά σου υπέροχα Χριστούγεννα! Η Δήμητρα Παραδέλη γράφει… Χριστούγεννα. Μία γιορτή, χιλιάδες συναισθήματα. Δρόμοι γεμάτοι, μυρωδιές στους φούρνους,
Οι Γλώσσες της Αγάπης Η αγάπη είναι συναίσθημα έντονης στοργής και προσωπικής αφοσίωσης. Στη φιλοσοφία, η αγάπη είναι αρετή που εκπροσωπεί την ανθρώπινη ευγένεια,
Όταν αδυνατείς να βάλεις τα συναισθήματά σου για ύπνο… Δεν μπορείς να φύγεις μακριά απ’ αυτα που κρύβεις μέσα σου… Εκεί
Μετά την απιστία… τι; Πολλά ζευγάρια αποφασίζουν να τραβήξουν χωριστούς δρόμους ύστερα από μια απιστία σε σεξουαλικό ή και σε συναισθηματικό
Για ποιόν λόγο κάνεις σχέση; Πολλοί άνθρωποι μπαίνουν σε μία σχέση, χωρίς να υπάρχει λόγος. Απλά, γιατί έτσι πρέπει! Απλά,
Ο έρωτας ξαναχτυπά! Ο έρωτας έρχεται και σε συναντά, δίχως να σε ρωτήσει. Να σε ρωτήσει εάν είσαι έτοιμη να μπεις
Πιστεύω, άρα ελπίζω! Η Πίστη αποτελεί ένα πολύ βασικό πυλώνα στη ζωή των ανθρώπων και ενσωματώνει στην έννοια της αξίες
Η δύναμη είναι εσωτερική υπόθεση! Εσύ είσαι δυνατή! Παρά τις δυσκολίες και τις αντιξοότητες, τα κατάφερες. Δεν επέτρεψες σε κανέναν να σε λυγίσει. Δεν
Ώρα να φύγω απ’ το πατρικό μου σπίτι… Όταν φεύγεις από το πατρικό σου σπίτι κι αλλάζεις σελίδα… Κι έρχεται
Αποφασίζοντας με τον «καθρέφτη» μας! Τις αποφάσεις πρέπει να τις παίρνουμε μόνοι μας! Όσες δύσκολες κι εάν είναι. Όσες φωνές
Αλλάζοντας σελίδα μέρα με τη μέρα! Κάθε μέρα και μια αλλαγή! Μικρή, μεσαία, μεγάλη! Διαφόρων ειδών ανάλογα με τις ευθύνες που
Εκφράσου επιτέλους! Απλά, πες το! Όταν νιώθεις κάτι, πες το! Εξέφρασέ το απλά. Δε χρειάζεται να το πολυσκέφτεσαι. Εκφράσου επιτέλους! Μίλα
ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ: Σύμβολο δύναμης! 8 Μαρτίου, Παγκόσμια ημέρα της Γυναίκας. Μια ημέρα αφιερωμένη στις απανταχού γυναίκες του κόσμου, ανεξαρτήτως εθνικότητας, φυλής,
Συναίσθημα ή λογική; Αποφάσεις με τη λογική ή το συναίσθημα; Οι αποφάσεις πρέπει να λαμβάνονται άμεσα. Με γνώμονα το καλύτερο,
Κι αν άνοιγες τα φτερά σου; Ώρα για πτήση! Εσύ ακόμα να ανοίξεις τα φτερά σου; Έρχεται η ώρα που
Ο άνθρωπός σου! Στον δρόμο είναι! Έρχεται! Ο άνθρωπός σου έρχεται και σε βρίσκει. Τη σωστή στιγμή και στο σωστό
Πάντα ξέρεις… Το εντυπωσιακό με τη ζωή είναι πως πάντα ξέρεις την έκβαση των πραγμάτων. Είτε αυτή είναι θετική είτε
Κοιτώντας κατάματα την ασθένεια Συμβαίνει και στις καλύτερες οικογένειες!!! Έχεις μια ζωή γεμάτη ευημερία, με μια αξιοπρεπή δουλειά, με οικογένεια
Ώρα για το επόμενο βήμα;; Φύγαμε! Στη ζωή, έρχονται στιγμές, που νιώθουμε πως πρέπει να κάνουμε το επόμενο βήμα. Ένα
Τα συναισθήματα, η πυξίδα μας! Τα συναισθήματα είναι για να τα βιώνουμε! Στο έπακρο. Είτε θετικά είτε αρνητικά. Πρέπει να
It's all a matter of priorities! Various things come in life. Pleasant and unpleasant! New and old! Familiar and new! Some of them
Love is not... Many mistakes are made in the name of love... It is not love... controlling you, asking you to
3, 2, 1! Ready to launch? In a few days, time changes. The new year is coming. One year, the
Another year is coming to an end... A year full of surprises and successive challenges closes with beautiful gifts. Successes that
The 'art' of Volema How comfortable do you feel in your life? Stuck in... a job you don't like, a relationship
Focus on your career! Everything else will come in time! Everyone sees the top! They see success! Not
A false digital self Digital technologies are now integrated into our daily lives, they are ubiquitous and require the creation
I started a family… and now? After diving, now swim! You have no choice! As people get older, they are hard to find
When passion meets leadership! Passion moves mountains. It "sweeps" everything in its path. It surpasses any
Are you constantly challenged? Time for Resistance! Disputing is for cowards who try to suck you out of their misery.
Some WHY they torture… Because life is complicated! Sometimes, you wonder why you have to fight so hard to succeed
Fear: a function of ignorance! Never, you never know! You never know what life has in store for you. You don't know how to move
Labels: noose around the neck! Those signs… They were the signs! Those signs that wouldn't let you go further.
Experimentation: the solution to liquidity! In an age where everything is changing rapidly, individuals are called upon to possess well-being and adaptability.
Everyone comes back... Friends, partners... Finally, everyone comes back! Sooner or later, everyone knocks on your door again. They are seeking contact with you, because
Preparation: A + O! When you build, it comes... And suddenly, one day the phone rings and everything changes. Successive proposals are coming
Accountability in an apologetic world! "If you could go back in time, you wouldn't change anything." There are times when you feel like you made mistakes
And yet it's over... Some circles close so abruptly that you don't have time to talk. You can, but you don't know if it's worth it.
Family: cornerstone of your growth and development Always there! Present, your family! In the easy ones, but also in
Do you learn from your mistakes? You inevitably make mistakes! You can't avoid them no matter how much you want! Unless
You become a leader! Journey to leadership... Are you packing your bags for leadership? Leadership is a function for society, which it is
How does the Digital Self on Instagram affect our self-perception? The new world of Instagram is here to stay! The
And after the holidays, what? Vacations are a pleasant break from your work obligations. A short break,
I met you by chance... Someone from the past... When you realize you haven't gotten over him! You saw him and everything froze! The
Your old love knocked on your door again! Back from the past! Will you accept her or reject her? Above
Flirting in the summer! "Some" breeze, "some" sea and everything "falls" into place. You "get away" from worries that accompany everyday life
"Make It Happen" Personal Development Guide When he meets you, greet him with joy! Everything starts with a decision! A decision
Lightning love love "knocked" on your door! "Thunderbolt", he introduced himself to you and you said to let yourself go! You met him and everything changed
Is Your Relationship Quality? We often use the word quality, but how clear is its meaning? The
From friends, now lovers Love at "second" sight. Friendship turns into love... All relationships, with his passing
Summer romances When love "knocks" on your door... The greatest romances are born during the summer holidays. An August afternoon in
When faith meets action! You believed it! You knew you were going to win! How will you achieve what you have in mind?
Parent means 'Love'! We all seek the love and acceptance of those around us, often to the point of despair. from
Gratitude: the ingredient of success Looking back, you can say that you are proud of yourself. You've been through
Self: the only choice! "Tonight", I say choose me...What do you say? Where you thought all was well, the edifice "collapsed".
Looking for love... In life, you will meet many. With a few, you'll really connect. You will "put" few in your heart. people,
A "closed" drawer hides failures! Will you "open" it? You didn't make the decision to start. You were afraid of failure. You were afraid to come
What price do you pay for your beliefs? And when 'You can't' is something you hear or say to yourself
When your inner child "intrudes" on your thinking... It makes me sad to see you like this! I can't believe that one
You "lost" friends, not you! People come, people go! Some leave with dignity, telling you their reason for leaving, others again
Will the resurrection come? I'll go, you said, to clear things up! To make a decision that it is over.
Returns disasters; Where you "turned" the page and found a man who admires you, loves you and respects you, appeared
Should I forgive him? You couldn't forgive him! He had hurt you beyond repair. The "damage" he caused you was "irreparable". The
When friendship meets jealousy! He was upset that you were smiling! He couldn't imagine that you were happy and joyful! The best"
Non-negotiable, the value of a good friend! Always there! In the difficult, in the easy, in the joys and in the sorrows! Undiminished interest
Still "hit" delete? How long will you wait? Are not you tired; Since you know the truth, we have discussed this many times. What
Truth or lie; Better a truth that hurts, than a lie that caresses. He "caresses" but, after a while, "squeezes" her
From Cowardice to Strength There are times when you want to get out of a situation. To run away, because you are "drowning". To
180 degree turn When you make a 180 degree turn, everything inevitably changes! One change follows another and not yours
Take the "lesson" and see it differently! For you! There were times when you hoped he would come back. To open the door and
You "lost" friends, but not yourself! You are a winner! People come, people go! Others leave with dignity, telling you him
All for an ego! Is it really worth it? You broke up with her without really wanting to! You just wanted to "check" reactions! You were sure
What will people say?? How often do you hear this phrase? How often do you use it yourself? If the
When you have dignity as a life attitude! Time was passing and with him and your pain for him!
A life full of trials... Once again, it caught you off guard! He "set" you against the wall, without expecting it! The
Break up with a message! And just like that, it was all over! Just like that! With a message! He didn't even have the courage to tell you
Is the exam starting and are you anxious? The exam period is approaching and your anxiety is starting to overwhelm you, to the point,
Time change...time for a reboot! The change of time often causes us ambivalent feelings! Feelings of joy and
Time to change course! Critical moments of inner awakening, cause for a drastic change of course. Some days are pivotal in your life!
Every ending and a new beginning! Something ends for something else to begin, something goes for something else to come...
Holiday Melancholy The holiday season is often associated with a sense of melancholy and sadness. A sadness
A few days ago, I "caught" him and talked to him! I expressed to him in all honesty everything I felt! I was relieved after it "got away"
What do I want my partner to be like? Is there an ideal partner? The partner I want to have by my side is
Rejected by your best friend after a love confession? I revealed my love to my best friend and... You made love
What to do if you are shy and you are interested in a man? I want him but I'm shy... You like him but you're shy
He was avoiding you and now, does he want contacts? Have you asked him out before and he politely avoided it, making "clever" excuses? And
Does the opinion of the world define you? They challenge you at every opportunity! It is as if they are waiting for you in the corner to
He doesn't want you... He doesn't want you romantically! If he was really interested in you, he would suggest you meet up
Things are not so friendly after all... You have romantic feelings for your best friend! Your purely friendly
Life Coaching is a new discipline based on the principles of Positive Psychology and the Midwifery Method of Socrates
Are you waiting for things to change in your life without changing yourself first? You do exactly the same actions and wait
When loneliness meets loneliness! You chose to stay alone consciously and after much thought! You decided to unhook
A change of social environment is imperative to your development! I'm happy for myself! Lately I've been doing
No more idealization! Do you find yourself idolizing people? To elevate them, giving them special traits and qualities
Put STOP to over-analysis! You scrutinize all the possible outcomes of a decision you want to make, from the simplest
Are you becoming a slave to your passions? Do you often lose control of your life? You cannot easily subdue horse impulses
Your whole life... words! Your whole life... words! The power of Words is important! Sure, you have
Ways to improve communication skills From communication skills how are we doing?? Do you also find it difficult to communicate effectively with others?
Are you ultimately attracting toxicity or choosing it? Does your life smell strongly of toxicity? You are surrounded by people who manipulate you,
Many confuse introversion with selfishness! The term 'introspection' was coined by Dr. Nancy Mallero. It refers to the act of focusing
And yet, Self-knowledge is the only way to Happiness! I am at a turning point in my life! I feel very strongly
Do you want to be happy? Be authentic! Authenticity, a word, imbued with as many emotions as freedom, with which
Are you getting tripped up? Am I self-sabotaging? Nah… out of the question… Me?? Hmmm… You keep putting off doing things that will get you
It is a difficult moment... but also inevitable! And the moment of Rejection comes... Surely, at some point in your life,
How will I get my smile back? Don't you smile anymore? You are constantly overwhelmed by negative thoughts and feelings, which you cannot
A relationship ends though… I'm stuck there… I want him back… I'm going crazy… Yes I want my Ex back… What makes you
What if I bend? What if I forgive and forget? Forgiveness such a heavy word… full of magnanimity, kindness and peace. Ma
Silence... Is it a useful tool in our hands?? Many of us think that we must constantly answer, speak, receive
Dreams... from what we see in our sleep... The psychological theories of the 20th century consider that the hidden meanings of
It's taboo, but it happens! The focus is mainly on violence against women, but also violence against
How Available are you?? How do you recognize an Emotionally Unavailable person? He gives you a Scottish shower... A cold one... a hot one!
Jealousy a reprehensible emotion... 'I'm not jealous...' you repeat... There is a veil of negativity around jealousy though... How would it be
What does a panic attack reveal? You are trapped in your life! There is a repressed Desire that remains alive in you too
Do you recognize the manipulative people in your life?? These people also exist... What characteristics do they have? They make you feel guilty
You are now an adult... What are you waiting for to take responsibility for your life, choices, behaviors, emotions,
Life Lessons What is important to remember!! In life you get what you claim, what you fight for... Nothing
Let's talk Chemistry… Dopamine: the Reward chemical Produced by achieving your goals, a healthy meal,
If you don't have goals, you become a goal! Many people talk about wishes and dreams... But how do these come true?? Setting appropriate
Let's go to Restart! How will I upgrade my life? I'm raising my Standards! I deserve the best and I will have it!!
How do I make my relationship last? Passion… love… madness… And THEN?? I want it to last!! What is necessary for
Ah this relationship… the one so important!!! What do children need? Certainly many things, but I will refer to
They say that the best people are the most guilty!! They care about the feelings of others and have self-criticism.
You are separated and yet... You keep thinking about him, missing him, looking at your photos, reminiscing about your moments...
I love me;; If you put a point, from 1 to 10, to what extent do you Love You? For the
Who are the Enemies of Change? There are 3 main Enemies of change! Our Mind The mind is designed for
Who am I;; This is a question that a school-aged child tries to answer. The 6-year-old focuses on
What Balance do I want for myself? What does Personal Life mean to me? What does Professional life mean to me? What I want; What
Good Child or Yourself? Are you giving but not receiving? Are you constantly giving up? Do you put others before you? Did it
Love or Fiction? Rejected is a love unfulfilled, because we did not live it as and as much as we would like or not at all.
Something ends for something else to begin... As long as you stay in a situation that doesn't suit you, you are postponing Happiness
The 'Bachelor' Syndrome Many people do not make the decision to commit and the reason lies within
The most important relationship is the one with yourself! Everyone tells us to love ourselves… Nice… How
Before you postpone it... Dare it! Procrastination is about some fear. I won't do it well. I'm not good enough. I will
Love... a complex emotion that gives life, breath, inspiration in all its forms! According to the Love Triangle
Set your limits, guilt-free! Your boundaries show who you really are...what you enjoy, what you accept, what you think, what you desire,
2020 is a different year with a variety of emotions, experiences, thoughts and behaviors. The pandemic brought to the surface new needs and
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