What price do you pay for your beliefs?

And when the 'you can't' is something you hear or say to yourself everyday, things are serious! How well do you hide your power? How many opportunities have you given yourself to discover how far he can go;
You definitely have more abilities, talents, skills, gifts than you think... and it makes sense, as it takes effort and effort to discover you to the fullest extent. How much have you invested in your personal development?
Your power is hindered by some of your beliefs, that is, some brakes that others or you yourself put on you, in order to stay safe within your comfort zone. That way, you don't dare new things, you don't evolve, but you also don't risk failing. What price do you pay for your beliefs?
Your beliefs play a decisive role, as your brain is constantly looking for evidence for them. A simplified example, if you believe you are not good at soccer it will remind you of all the times you failed to pass someone and score a goal, in order to reinforce this belief. Can you imagine how much power it exerts on you for things that may not even be realistic?
So what can you do?
- Try doing things that you fear, that bring you out out of comfort zone. That way, you'll feel strong! Your self-confidence will rise and you will become more courageous!
- Take Responsibility for your life! Change the story you tell about yourself and get out of the victim position. 'It's my fault and I'm changing!'
- Accept yourself! Change what you don't like and accept the rest. Replace whining and complaining with what you can do to manage the difficulties.
- Set your limits! Stop tolerating behaviors you don't like. Otherwise you are educating others on how you want them to treat you, what is acceptable and what is not.
- Get in her path Self-awareness.
- She developed her mindset Gratitude! Appreciate what you have already accomplished, recognize your successes, appreciate your material and immaterial possessions.
- Socialize with people and traveled to places that in inspire and promote your creativity.
- What you focus on is what you multiply!! Choose the Positive Mindset, the Growth Mindset. Focus on the positives that are happening, on the advantages of each situation, on what you control, on the solutions instead of the problems.
Your power is there, waiting for you to discover it, so you can harness it!
What are you waiting for to start this beautiful journey of discovery?
First Post:

- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
- lifecoaching.gs@gmail.com
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