Rejected by your best friend after a love confession?

I revealed my love to my bestie and…
Did you make a love confession to your bestie and he "disappeared"? Does he not answer your calls and messages that you send him? And when you happen to meet, do you see him being arrogant and pretending not to know you, showing you complete indifference? And worst of all, his parents and friends smile ironically at you and make fun of you, laughing, sometimes, defiantly?
You hurt a lot! You can't believe that your best friend until now rejects you as a woman, but mainly as a person and no longer wants any contact with you! Also, you can't imagine how he "exposed" you to your friends, revealing to them all that you confessed to him! You "opened" your heart to him, seeking understanding and redemption and he treated you dishonorably! He showed no respect! And okay, to forgive his friends, because of the immaturity that governs them, but what "other" to give to his parents?
You are at a dead end...
You get angry with his attitude! Your previously determined friend "turned" into a clumsy and cowardly being, who does not dare to tell you how he feels after what you confessed to him! Even if his silence is also an answer, "difficult to digest", yes, but an answer! But more than that, you get angry with you, who, once again, believed in a man and was denied! Is it time to believe in yourself and stop basing your happiness on others?

How to handle this situation?
- Cry, shout and "burst" in general! Don't be afraid of it! You should not suppress and suppress your feelings! Don't be apathetic!
- Talk to your family about what happened to you and ask them how you can handle the situation! Talk to them honestly, without hiding anything from them! Here, you spoke "openly" to your "friend", to your family, will you hesitate, who loves you selflessly?
- Contact a mental health specialist to help you recover psychologically an hour earlier! Perhaps, it is also the right time to start your personal journey to self-awareness!
- Take your journal and write down your feelings and the reasons why you feel that way!
- Write down the mistakes you made in your relationship! Did you rush to express your feelings to him? Could it be that there were already major problems in your relationship, which came and "tied up" your love confession? Were you embellishing situations, when in reality you also saw that he was not such a good friend? Were all three happening at the same time?
- Don't blame yourself! Accept the fact with dignity! You can't please everyone!
- Do not beg him under any circumstances!
What else could you do?
- Forgive him! As much as he knew, he did as much! But, under no circumstances, do not accept him back, if he returns!
- Write down what you would do differently if you could go back in time! Learn the lesson and don't make the same mistake again!
- Redefine the criteria you have to enter into a relationship, whether friendly or romantic! Reflect and write down what you intend to give to others and what you expect to receive in return! Don't be surprised! Relationships to be healthy, must be based on the equal exchange of value! Relationships, as much as you don't want to admit it, are negotiations!
- Start to deal more intensively with yourself! Start working out, eating healthy, reading, listening to music and doing activities that please you and develop you at the same time! Channel your energy somewhere creative!
Don't blame yourself for the behavior of your "friend"! You are not responsible for him, only you! Through this "traumatic" experience, you learned that the first virtue you have in your life, which is none other than offering value, is a criterion and a filter to see if someone should be in your life or not! If you see that someone doesn't appreciate the value you give them, you simply stop giving it to them in summary procedures! But, don't hold a grudge against him!
No one is obliged to give you back what you gave!
Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
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