It's a difficult moment... but also inevitable!

And the moment of Rejection comes...
Surely, at some point in your life, you have been faced with successive rejections! Rejections that make you question your worth, underestimate yourself, as a result of which you settle for things and situations that do not express you, for fear of not being alone.
You endure the pain and disappointment, two natural by-products of rejection, for far too long, instead of getting out there and claiming what you want and believe you deserve! You whine and whine constantly about your destiny!
But for how much longer? Time passes and you remain stagnant, helpless and weak against this thing called life! Life, however, as you will have understood, is not given to you, you have to earn it day by day, fighting!
Life requires you to be the hero, who will accept his defeats, learn from them and move forward with his head held high, stronger and wiser, with stubbornness and patience to conquer all that he desires!
You will, of course, say to me: 'How can I manage rejections, so that they do not become an inhibiting factor in believing in myself and, by extension, in achieving what I want?'.

How can your pain ease faster and be ready to make the most of your day?
- Burst out! Shout, cry out loud! Let your emotions free! Give them the time and space to express themselves!
- Talk about rejection with people you trust...people from your family and friends, but also with a mental health specialist!
- Listen to the music that you like and that makes you hope and dream again!
- Start walking! Give yourself at least half an hour to be alone, quiet with your thoughts to reflect on what has happened!
- Start doing activities that please you and channel your energy somewhere creative!
- Meditate! Close your eyes, empty your mind of thoughts and concentrate on your breaths!
- Write down in detail the feelings that rejection causes you!
- Point out the reasons why rejection makes you feel that way!
- Take stock, a constructive self-criticism about what went wrong, what could go better in the future, without "putting" yourself up against the wall!
- Don't blame yourself for the rejection you received! Accept that you can't please everyone, but also that many times, external circumstances are not conducive to the conclusion of the relationship or cooperation that you are so looking for!
- Come to terms with the idea that rejection is an integral part of your life and that the more you try to improve your daily life, the more it will "knock" on your door! She's inevitable... so make her your ally! Use it as a tool that serves you and strengthens your quest for long-term prosperity!
And when the moment of Rejection comes... Don't give up! Don't let your negative emotions overwhelm you, cloud your judgment and by extension, don't resort to generalizations, attributing negative characteristics to others as well as to yourself! Instead, adapt and change the way you react to events!
There is always a way to Reject, lesson you passed successfully!
Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
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