Are you getting tripped up?


Am I self-sabotaging? Nah… out of the question… Me??


Are you constantly putting off doing things that would bring you a little closer to your goal? Do you start and give up along the way, or don't you even start, fearing failure, or even success?

Are you a perfectionist and this keeps you from getting things done, but also from being happy with your victories because you think you could have done better?

Do you not express your feelings and settle for situations that do not suit you and that do not satisfy you?

Do you constantly have negative thoughts about your future and they come true, like a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Then you are probably self-sabotaging yourself! Yes, you saw right! You put obstacles and obstacles in yourself to confirm the belief you have that you are not enough and that you are not worthy! As, if this belief of yours is denied, you will be called upon to take on more responsibilities, which you do not know how you will carry out!

Therefore, you prefer to stay in your comfort zone, in which everything that happens is familiar and familiar to you, than to take the risk and the initiative to claim something better, which, although in the short term, will make it difficult for you, in the long term, it will develop you and make you happy!

This situation, however, wears you down day by day and makes you die mentally, as your motivation to be active is drastically reduced! Your pain accumulates, with a high probability of becoming physical, and you lose your self-control! From being the protagonist of your life and being the king, you end up being the victim and the pawn in this game called life!

That's why it's time to act and change course! And how will this happen;
  • Recognize the self-sabotaging behaviors you are doing!
  • Accept that you are not perfect and you make mistakes, which take you away from your goal!
  • Write down the forms of self-sabotage you do and try to understand the reasons why you do it!
  • Note the feelings that your behavior causes you!
  • Write down what will happen if you continue to have this attitude!
  • Write down in detail what will change in your life if you stop doing it!
  • Try to associate negative emotions with self-sabotage and positive ones with progress and continuous development!
  • Stop overanalyzing everything, stop thinking negatively and finally get into action!

Am I self-sabotaging? Still wondering…

As you can see, in order to modify your dysfunctional behavior, you will need to have patience and persistence! Your change, this one, requires effort, effort and practice, until the new behavior is consolidated! Until then, however, embrace and accept your weakness, so that you can change it.

Get out of the victim role immediately!

It's time to become the protagonist of your life again! 

Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari

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