No more idealization!


Do you find yourself idolizing people? Elevate them, attributing to them special characteristics and qualities of a hero, which, however, do not correspond to reality? Do you fall into the trap of overestimating people, glossing over any of their negative traits? Are you constantly idealizing yourself and putting yourself down?

If the answer to these questions is positive, it means that you have a tendency to idealize!

A trend that stems from your need to feel protected, safe and inaccessible in the environment you live in! You create a beautiful story in your mind, where everything seems perfect and invulnerable, which, however, ends up being unforgiving when you come face to face with reality! A reality, which is ultimately difficult to manage, as you have been trained to artificially avoid! Then, after all, is the moment when you start demystifying people and situations, something that causes you a lot of negative emotions!

But at the same time, this behavior hides many insecurities and lack of self-esteem. You raise those around you to God with your mind and you end up on the floors. You are not good enough at anything while others are succeeding and you are jealous.


The crucial question here, of course, is how to stop idealizing! So try doing the following:

  • Recognize this behavior of yours! Are you constantly idealizing?
  • Consider the reasons why you resort to these types of behaviors.
  • Make the decision to change this habit and make a commitment to yourself!
  • Every time you meet a person, distance yourself a little, take your time and evaluate them objectively, based on their behavior, the feelings they create for you and of course, your instincts!
  • Don't get excited easily! At that time enlist your self-control! Try to see the situation as an outside observer, not involved in the relationship!
  • Recognize the positive and negative elements of each person.
  • Increase your Self-Esteem.
  • Recognize your strengths. 
  • See a mental health specialist to change this way of thinking!

Realize that no one is perfect! We all have our positives, but also our flaws!

Stop inflating in your mind only the positive aspect of reality, leaving aside the negative! 

Be realistic in order to make the right decisions that will ensure you a prosperous future! 

Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari

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