Time change...time for a reboot!

The change of time often causes us ambivalent feelings! Feelings of joy and sadness! Joy, because we feel that something better will come into our lives, but also sadness, as we are afraid of "losing" what we have acquired with so much effort. Thus, we often resort to the past and reflect on what we did and, above all, why we did it. We take stock in a few words. An account, however, which in order to be "successful", requires us to be honest with ourselves. An honesty that seems self-evident and yet is not, as self-criticism is difficult. She is "tough"! It presupposes the recognition of the events and situations in our life, their full acceptance and the creation of new or similar strategies for the successful implementation of our goals.
However, it requires that we do a SWOT Analysis at the same time! To take a paper and a pencil, that is, and to record in detail, our strong and weak points, as well as to note the possible threats and opportunities that we may "encounter", based on the external, objective conditions. Perhaps, it seems excessive, but it is not! If we think about it, each of us is a small "business"! We are social bodies, in which our parents have invested, through the selfless offering of material, but also intangible goods, while we, through our action, have invested in ourselves and given him what he needs, or at least a large part of it. We have dedicated time to our personal development! Ok, we may not all take self-improvement seminars, do coaching with Georgia Saragiotou, or do psychotherapy, but each of us is definitely on our own journey to self-awareness, through the recognition of our feelings and the change of "sailing" for the improvement of the conditions of our existence. In this case, the journey is unconscious and done solely for survival.

But when this journey includes seminars, books, psychotherapy, coaching and the Personal Development Guide, "Make it happen!", things change!
Then, it is clearly a conscious and deliberate choice, aimed at our well-being and development! A development, however, which we do not dare to "claim", as it has a price! Let's see our truths clearly, because, between us, they are many, they change often and "conflict" when they are contradictory! Which are always contradictory, if we think about it! It is no coincidence, after all, that many times we find ourselves in dilemmas, simple, but also complex! Dilemmas, concerning our temporary pleasure or our long-term well-being. A decision made based on our personal values! Because they are the "compass" of our lives! That's why, after all, we must have those that "push" us to grow, without "discounting" our dreams!
So, we end up associating price with something negative! With something that causes pain, unbearable, even, because it requires us to "let go" of our passions, to demonstrate self-control and mental resilience and to achieve our goals, in order to "approach" and "touch" our vision. The vision that gives meaning to our lives and makes us jump out of bed before the alarm clock even rings! A driving force for achievement, because "YES", we DESERVE it! If we look back a little and see what we have achieved, we will be moved! We will "hug" our little "inner" child and "kiss" it! We'll tell him how grateful we are that he didn't let go of us when everyone else did!
Therefore, every time we hear the word "price", let us not "tremble"! We honored ourselves with our choices! Ok, they weren't always the right ones, but there's no point dwelling on them! It is time to see the "good" in every situation, always being aware of what is happening, without embellishing situations! Let's take the "lesson" and move forward with our heads held high. Not to repeat the same mistakes and not to make pointless circles around ourselves. But let's circle! They are important and necessary! We can't ignore this no matter what!
Let's be "self-light" and not "heterolight"! Let's not wait for the acceptance of others to continue! Our instinct tells us to do this, to give the 100% and say that if I could go back in time, I would do the same!
Let's honor ourselves, finally! No one else will do it for us! Happy New Year My friends!
Arthrography: Alexia Styliani Kanakari

- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
- lifecoaching.gs@gmail.com
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