When faith meets action!

You believed it! You knew you were going to win! How will you achieve what you have in mind? How despite the difficulties, you will find a way to get what you want. How your efforts will be rewarded.
How long it would take you, you could not determine! It was something demanding. There was a "blur" in your mind. You didn't know exactly how you would get there. But you knew you wanted it.
You didn't have all the required skills. So, you said to use the existing ones. Otherwise, you would never start! Each time, you would come up with a clever excuse to stick to the familiar and the familiar.
You had many ups and downs in your psychology!
One you won, the other, you failed! But you made a plan. A schedule, detailed! Thus, everything was beginning to take its proper place. You knew where to go! The "blur" had begun to leave the foreground and the target could now be seen with the "naked" eye. You also saw yourself as having reached the goal and experiencing all the positive emotions that come from this victory.
So, your motivation was very strong. It was indoor! It did not depend on external factors. You were also the target in this equation. Nobody else! Your attention was focused on the goal. All your energy! You did not spend on unnecessary and meaningless things and above all, on people, who discouraged you and hurt you with their behavior.
This, however, came with time! At first, you were interested in other people's comments. You were influenced by their toxicity and resentment. But, you saw from your experience that this doesn't work and that you have to change your attitude. It was difficult. You thought about it enough. You had to emotionally detach from these people, cut them out of your life summarily, and love yourself.
To love yourself! That and only that!
Arthrography: Alexia Styliani Kanakari

- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
- lifecoaching.gs@gmail.com
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