What do I want my partner to be like?


Is there an ideal partner?

The partner I want to have by my side is a good person with values and ideals! A man who will claim me and express his romantic interest to me without hesitation, either because he thinks I'm not emotionally available or because he thinks I'll be rejected. A dynamic, determined and loyal man, who will take initiatives, know what he wants and will make me feel unique and special! A man with whom I will feel comfortable being myself, so that I can let go and talk to him freely about everything that concerns me! A man, who will really rejoice in my success and stand by me in difficult times. A man who will love and take care of himself, doing many things in his life, just like me! A man with humor and seriousness, who will accept me exactly as I am and will not try to change me in order not to be confronted with his possible inadequacies!


In order to find that ideal partner, I will first need to become my own ideal partner! I owe it to myself to continue to care for and love him by doing my daily habits, namely:

  • To eat healthy! Pay attention to the diet and avoid fats!
  • To sleep 8 hours! To be rested and efficient!
  • To exercise! To walk many kilometers and dance for a long time!
  • To dress nicely and take good care of myself!
  • To write a diary! To record my thoughts and feelings!
  • To write down my tasks and draw up a strategy for their successful implementation!
  • Writing things I'm grateful for!
  • To invest in my personal development with books, podcasts and seminars!
  • To work with dedication and passion in order to develop and develop at a professional level!
  • Communicate effectively with those around me, make acquaintances and choose the people who will make up my inner circle, based on the value they bring to my life!

When I love myself more than anyone else, the right partner for me will come! A partner who will respect me, admire me and hold my hand so that we can improve our conditions of existence and claim something better! In order to attract the partner I want, I will need to reverently perform the above habits, without deviating!

I will need to first give myself the love I need to feel complete and not depend on my partner for my happiness!


Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari

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