Every ending and a new beginning!


Something ends for something else to begin, something leaves for something else to come... Another year ends and we enter a new one. Emotions are mixed. So many moments we lived again... beautiful and ugly, funny and sad, fun and bitter... after all, that's how life is and that's why it's interesting. One person's joy can be another's sadness and who determines that? You of course, your perspective on things, the way you have shaped your life, your priorities.

Ready for a Reckoning??

  • What made you feel the most joy this year?
  • What experience made you grow?
  • What was your greatest achievement?
  • If you had a magic wand, what would you change?
  • Which person played a decisive role in your life?
  • What is the greatest thing you have offered?
  • What did you feel grateful for?

Tough questions, I know…

But you need to become aware of where you are now, so that you can enter the new year with a new perspective. The more consciously you live your life, the easier it will be for you to take it where you want!

Let's clarify now what you want for the sequel...

  • What is your biggest goal for the new year?
  • What experiences will lead you there?
  • What new thing do you want to enter your life?
  • What new habit do you want to cultivate?
  • Which emotion do you want to dominate and what will you do to experience it?
  • What brings you the peace you need?
  • If you knew one wish would come true, what would you wish for?

So you know where you want to go and in what way... However, if you couldn't answer, take your time. These processes take time and thought, which is why they are effective.

What will upgrade your life?

Raise your standards and don't tolerate situations and people that don't suit you. I focus on the positives that are happening, on the advantages of each situation, on what you control, on the solutions instead of the problems. Take responsibility for your life and change what doesn't suit you, but at the same time accept what you can't or don't want to change. Find ways to grow and learn from difficulties. Offered! Forgive! Practice the mindset of Gratitude! Finally, listen to you! Inside you know very well what is best for you, the issue is whether you are willing to claim it and to what extent. Everything is possible if you believe in it. Your ceiling is only your mind… what if your ceiling is the stars??

Don't let luck shape your life,

but you make your own luck!

First Publication in the newspaper "Haniotika Nea"

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