But it's over...

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Some circles close so abruptly that you don't have time to talk. You can, but you don't know if it's worth it. Thus, you maintain an attitude of silence. A silence that breaks you and the other person as well. You try to understand where you went wrong and the other person wonders why you didn't tell him something. What can you say? Thanks; You simply accept the situation and move on. It is difficult, of course, because inevitably, you compare him with another person, to whom you had opened your heart and who respected you. Perhaps, he had more empathy than the other person, or he had gone through something similar to you. He even asked about you recently. He is not interested romantically, but humanly. While the other, disappeared as if you never meant anything to him. You basically didn't mean it!

Everyone what they can! You can't tell everyone how to feel and how to act. And basically, you don't even need to. Only in yourself you have the right and the obligation to do it.

Nevertheless, of course, you can't help but admit that everything becomes clear when you are now emotionally detached and comparing them. Through comparison, you understand who behaved correctly and was honest with you and who was not.

At first, you get upset, but over time, you get over it.

 You're definitely turning a page. These experiences strengthen you and bring to light the limitless love you have for yourself. They reveal the mental resilience you have within you and you now make more immediate decisions. Decisions that make you go up the track. A track that never ends. Experiment until you see what works best for you. You listen to your inner voice and act.

The important thing is to be well, to develop even if you have challenges! So, even if you want to avoid them, you can't! It's part of the game. A game that, as you grow, makes more demands on you. It is not possible, after all, to ask for more and not give more. Whether that means time or people. Why do you have to break up with people to find your man? Yourself, that pure soul, that has been left to oblivion to satisfy others, aiming for acceptance. An acceptance, which, however, as you will have understood, does not come about by abandoning yourself and adapting it to the measures of the other. After all, you are not a garment. You are a person with a soul, who seeks a deep connection with you, but also with others.

Stay strong! You look great! Every time you smile, everything gets brighter! Do not deprive the world of your light and star. He needs it! Glue five, my heart!

Justice will come! Keep investing in yourself! Go up yourself and don't go back...

With love!


Arthrography: Alexia Styliani Kanakari

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