Are you waiting for things to change in your life without changing yourself first? Are you doing the exact same actions and expecting different results?


I think you are confused somewhere... No one will come to take you from the life you live and take you to the life you dream of! You should do this for yourself! Your hero is you! And if you're not... it's time to be! 'How do I become my hero?' you will tell me…

First, start saying more No to others and at the same time more Yes to you! Your time is the most valuable thing you have. So be careful where you invest him, because if he leaves, he doesn't come back.

Trust yourself more! There is a little voice inside you, a little child waiting for you to pay attention to it, to take care of it, to understand it, to really listen to it. You know very well what you have been through, what you need, what makes you happy. No one else, except you, knows you so well. There are times, however, when looking inside is much more difficult than looking at the outside world. It requires effort and personal daily effort. Get started today!


What else can you do?

Seize the opportunities that life gives you, without fear and guilt! You deserve to live beautifully, peacefully and with love. Every time we go to try something new our defenses come out and try to stop us. But the truth is that only by stepping outside our comfort zone do we become stronger, increase our self-esteem and self-confidence and progress.

Be authentic! It takes courage and strength to be yourself. First of all, of course, you should learn you... discover you. There are so many influences from our environment that somewhere we lose what really expresses us, who we are and what is the meaning of our life. Do you know them?

It's time to be your own Hero!

First Publication in the newspaper "Haniotika Nea"

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