What will people say??

τι θα πει ο κόσμος;

How often do you hear this phrase? How often do you use it yourself?

If the answer reveals a high frequency, things are not going so well!

First, who is this world that keeps saying?

The people he talks about are the ones who have nothing to do, who are oppressed and this spreads to those around them, who spread rumors in order to have something interesting to say, to laugh, to pass the time. The more interesting the life you live, the less time you spend worrying about what other people are doing.

People say and will say...

Why do you care about this? What gives anyone so much value over your own life?

Others have value because they are experts in an area, you have a lot to gain in your development if you listen to them. Some people have an emotional value on you, they are your immediate surroundings – family, partner, friends. Still others are in the wider context of your life - acquaintances.

Not all of them are right about all areas of your life and they don't give you the right advice to live a life in harmony with your own values and your vision. You are not obligated to listen to them, but instead you are obligated NOT to listen to them many times.


The whole world does not want your good! He's not saying it because he cares about you. He doesn't say things that will take off and evolve your life!

What do you have to do?

You have to choose very carefully who you will listen to and shape your life in the way that will make you happy to live it!

You know best what makes you happy, what develops you and what life you want to enjoy!

So watch out, whose opinion do you count on and how much does each influence you!

First Publication in the newspaper: Chaniotika Nea

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