Experimentation: the solution to liquidity!


In an era where everything is changing rapidly, individuals are called upon to possess well-being and adaptability. They need to have reflexes and make the right decision at the right time. Something that is achieved with perception and experience. Experience, which comes through experimentation in areas of career choices, worldviews, love and companionship. Explorations into identity in a wide range of options for redefining it. A redefinition, which will better express the person and help him achieve his goals. Goals, which will bring it closer to its vision.

Fluidity demands experimentation to find what a person really wants for his life in all areas. A process, which aims to find the values and ideals, with which the person will walk in his life. Values and ideals, a compass on the vast map called 'life'. Because values and ideals will be the only constant, which will govern the person's life. These will prevent the person from impulses, which will bring about negative results in the long run in his life. Because every person seeks in one way or another, consciously or unconsciously, to become a self-leader. To limit himself, to respect him, to have self-control and not to engage in harmful activities, which only offer him a temporary pleasure.

A process which, inevitably, brings about mixed feelings.

Variations on a psychological level, but also relative independence from normative expectations, thus reinforcing heterogeneity. Heterogeneity, which will evolve the world. It will show another perspective, another proposal, which will take the world one step further. It will free him to a degree from the homogeneity that plagues modern society. A society, consequence of globalization. Globalization, which prevents the individual from thinking outside the box, from innovating, from rebelling and from peacefully asserting his rights. Rights, which, many times, are trampled on the altar of selfish interests.

Because life needs struggles on an individual and collective level. He wants diversity for progress.

Something that requires experimentation to first realize what you want, then why you want it, so that you can then be motivated to pursue it.


Arthrography: Alexia Styliani Kanakari

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