Do you want to be happy? Be authentic!


Authenticity, a word imbued with so many emotions, as freedom, with which it is inextricably linked, requires courage and boldness!

Do you want to be happy? Be authentic!

How authentic are you?

You! Yes, I'm talking to you! How long will you avoid me and deny me? Why are you not authentic? Why don't you accept me, the way I am, you don't love me, you don't take care of me and you don't express me?

I have endured your indifference, your disdain for so many years, but you also know that you are not well! You feel remorse and guilt, that you hesitate to show who I really am, in all my shades!

But I'm not willing to be treated this way anymore! Either you will change immediately or you will force me to take out psychosomatically to wake you up and you will finally externalize your truth!

I know, perhaps, you recognize yourself in this situation, the soul mirrored through these words, and you are at an impasse as to how you can manage the lack of authenticity, which rules you.


How can you, in practice, manage to be authentic and honest in your dealings with other people?

  • Distance yourself a little!
  • Notice how you behave and act when you are alone and when you are surrounded by people.
  • Evaluate how different your behavior is in these two cases.
  • Try to understand why there is this distance between these two circumstances.
  • Write down in which situations you lose your authenticity. How authentic are you in each situation?
  • Note which people you pretend to be something else with.
  • Introspect to understand the deeper motivations and causes behind this behavior.
  • Do not compromise with social imperatives and conventions, which are not consistent with your truth!
  • Listen to your inner voice and listen to your true needs!
  • Choose wisely the image you want to display in the social environment, which highlights your true nature!
  • Write on a sticky note what will happen to you in the long run if you are not authentic!
  • Ask yourself if it is worth it to sacrifice your authenticity on the altar of the acceptance of others and the sense of "belonging" to society.
  • Make it clear in your mind that authenticity is not intertwined with rudeness!
  • Realize that your authenticity cannot violate the privacy of others!
  • Understand that your authenticity is not fixed, but constantly redefined, as you change!

Make the decision to come to terms with all aspects of yourself! They are pieces of you! Don't suppress them! Accept yourself, exactly as it is and highlight it! Don't hide him! You deprive those around you of your authenticity, which will make you connect deeply with them! 

Your authenticity will free you from the shackles of other people's opinions! It will bring you closer to your dreams! Dreams, on which you should not be allowed to make discounts, as they are not products for sale!


Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari

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