He was avoiding you and now, does he want contacts?

Have you asked him out before and he politely avoided it, making "clever" excuses? And now, suddenly, after a while, he showed up and asked you out?
He rejected you and now he changed his mind...and what are you doing? Accept his proposal or reject it?
So what can you do?
Refuse! Do not accept his proposal! He rejected you and now he changed his mind? Did he suddenly remember you and you have to neglect your own needs and obligations in order to go out? He rejected you repeatedly in the past! And now, are you going to roll out the red carpet for him? Do you remember being upset that he hadn't accepted your dating proposals? Don't do this to yourself! Find someone who will directly recognize your worth! Don't waste yourself on people who didn't make time for you! He has no other choice and is looking for confirmation from you, which he is sure of! Deny him!
You will tell me, of course, that I am perfect! The truth is that I have strict criteria to include a person in my life! It is necessary for the other person to offer me a value equivalent to that which I offer him! I cannot and do not want to settle for anything less!

I have struggled a lot to get to where I am, well, I've made it, setting high standards for myself and others! Therefore, I do not allow myself to put people in my life, who create doubt and uncertainty for me!
Already, my world is complicated! I don't want to have people in my life who constantly bring me problems and complaints!
Of course, if you want, you can give this person a chance and get out! But don't immediately accept his proposal! Deny him several times! Accept your proposal if he proves to you with his actions that he deserves to be in your life! Be positive only if he claims you in a special way and shows you that by choice he wants you to be together and not because he doesn't want to be alone anymore!
Set boundaries!
Don't take it for granted, as he won't respect you and will come back to you just to satisfy his ego!
Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
- lifecoaching.gs@gmail.com
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