Break up with a message!

And just like that, it was all over!
Just like that! With a message! He didn't even have the courage to meet you in person and tell you. Let him tell you that he is "over" my child! He just sent you a standard message! A simple, comprehensive message, without explanations, in which he announced that he was breaking up with you.
And you were left wondering what the hell you did wrong!
You made only one mistake! You trusted him! You let go, seeing that he was weak and could not even support himself. You wanted to play the role of savior in his life and you "stepped" on it! You gave him everything, he got the confirmation he was looking for and left you one fine morning.
He showed no respect whatsoever!
Once again, disappointment! Not so much from the person you were having an affair with, as from you! You, who "opened" your heart to him, who had not set limits and who neglected, in succession, yourself in order not to "spoil" him, leaving aside dreams and ambitions of many years!
You left many opportunities unexploited, what can we say now! Opportunities, that passed in front of you, putting yourself in "waiting"! But life is eternal! It doesn't stop and doesn't wait for you to "wake up" and live!
You wanted to experience love! And what did you understand? And he divorced you and you lived a miserable life! A life of repressed! Dreams you didn't chase! Everything is a choice in life! When you realize it, it "hurts", but over time, it redeems itself, as you realize that you alone are responsible for your life! Which means, inevitably, that you can "write" the rest of the pages of your life, just the way you want!
You can take paper and pencil and write down what you want to happen in your life and move in that direction to make it happen!
Well, for starters! Now! No more procrastination!
Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
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