Love is not…

Many mistakes are made in the name of love...
It is not love… to you controls, asking you to be different to match his beliefs and values, yes you change that is, what you have managed to create for yourself, tramples you.
It is not love… the jealousy, the lack of trust, the prison that someone wants to create for you and put you inside.
It is not love… to try alone you to keep this relationship alive and the family together, be they absent emotionally or physically.
It is not love… to make you feel a little, to constantly demand things from you that the other person does not do, to belittle you, to limits, to you lacks basic rights, to demean you by calling it humor, to you it offends.
It's not love... not respecting your needs...
It is not love… to leave you in stand by, to appear whenever he wants, to trespasses your limits, to behave based on the ups and downs of his/her mood, to you handles.
It is not love… to blame you at every opportunity for anything, to throw all the fault on you, not to recognize them mistakes him/her, not being a priority, not recognizing what you really are, not to care about your feelings.
Of love… but how much mistakes… what a wrong translation of love… if You lose yourself, the wealth of your personality, if you narrow, if you limit yourself, if you lower yourself.... Which Love are you talking about exactly?
What do you call Love?
What are you waiting for to feel loved?
How low have you set the bar?
If you don't accept yourself, if you do not operate based on your values, if you are not true to yourself, if you do not maintain them limits your, if not you you learn in depth, if you don't apologies for your faults, if you don't become the first o ideal fellow… your best selfuh... This ideal that you are looking for will not come either.
You deserve only the best and you should first offer it to yourself...
otherwise you will not receive them from anyone else!
With love…
Georgia Saragiotou!
First publication on the website:

- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
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