What to do if you are shy and you are interested in a man?


I want him but I'm shy...

Do you like him, but are you shy about showing him your interest? Do you never take the initiative to talk to him and simply respond to him briefly and comprehensively, showing indifference, to what he will ask you? Do you take time to answer him and sometimes, "lose" your words? Do you hesitate to look him in the eye and when you look at him, do you also look at the others so as not to "get nailed"? Is he asking you out and you're not giving him a straight answer?

You're in love and you can't handle it! You don't know if he's really interested in you, so let yourself go and show him who you really are! You have some resistance, because you are afraid that you will be hurt again! You know deep down that when someone is really interested, he does everything to "win" you! You want him to make you feel close and show you with his attitude that he deserves your attention, as you have some misgivings!

However, you will need to do some things on your part, so that you can determine an hour earlier if it is worth dealing with him further!


So what can you do?

  • Try asking him some questions to outline his profile... Get to know him! 
  • Look for him on social media and see what image he presents to the outside and if it corresponds to what he has shown you!
  • Relax, speak composedly and get out of your mind that you are romantically interested! Talk to him like a friend and evaluate what he will say to you!
  • Give him a chance to "open up"! Don't judge him to understand his true motives!
  • Notice how he treats others!
  • Go out with him and talk to see if you are compatible, if there is chemistry and romantic attraction!
  • Empower yourself so you can express what you feel. 

Give time and space to see if it's worth giving him a chance and create a beautiful relationship!

Be authentic and whatever is meant to be, will be!

Trust your instinct!

Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari

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