Put STOP to over-analysis!

Do you scrutinize all the possible outcomes of a decision you want to make, from the simplest to the most complex? Do you take into account even the smallest detail before acting in the direction you have chosen among thousands? Or maybe, because of the over-analysis you do, you end up immobilized, because your many and successive thoughts tire you and stress you out?
If the latter happens, you need to review things immediately to be able to evolve and progress in all areas of your life!
The time has come to say… Overanalysis END!

What can you do to be able to organize your thinking, not resort to unnecessary thoughts and act according to your innermost desires?
- Take into account all the possible versions that each decision can have that you have in mind and write them down on a piece of paper! Find the positives and negatives of each and act, guided by these, your instinct, your accumulated experience and your feeling! Only, in this way, of the recording, that is, you will not be disoriented and you will not be wasted on unnecessary thoughts! Things will become clear in your mind and you will act correctly, so that there will be an end to over-analysis!
- Focus on what you want to achieve and move in that direction! Don't worry about the way! The way and the method you will follow, you will find it along the way! This, of course, does not mean that you should not have a plan! On the contrary, it is necessary! Just think about the first 3 or 4 steps first! No need to rush and overanalyze! If you focus on the end result and the difficulty involved in the goal you have set, you are more likely to give up and not even start! Overanalysis END!
- Do something creative to shift your attention from your limiting and meaningless thoughts to the activity you will do! Train yourself to direct your mind, so that your purpose is served!

What else can you do?
- Visualize yourself achieving what you dream of and don't allow yourself to think negative thoughts!
- Meditate!
- Take deep breaths!
- Include a form of exercise in your daily life to get rid of the negative thoughts of overanalysis!
- Choose to eat healthy foods that ensure your peace of mind and rebuild your mind!
Are you still overanalyzing? Please take action and take your life into your own hands! You owe it to yourself!
One last thing! Only when your mind is occupied with performing activities important to your life, do you stop overanalyzing, as the feeling of survival, but also of progress outweighs any fear, which in the end, most of the time, is also a creation of your imagination!
Put it in HyperAnalysis... DONE!
Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
- lifecoaching.gs@gmail.com
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