You "lost" friends, not you!

People come, people go! Others leave with dignity, telling you the reason for their departure, others do not inform you and disappear. They disappear and "leave" you with the question. A question that "grows" inside you and torments you. A question that makes you question yourself once again. You cry, because loved ones and friends "left" your life, so unexpectedly. You want to and you know you have to accept it, but you don't know if you have to ignore it one more time. You see a lot has been "collected". Many friendships, which with the passage of time, "ended"!
On the one hand, you understand that as you evolve and change, your circle will inevitably change as well. The people you associate with will change. On the other hand, however, you think that the fact that you don't have a close friend or a close friend in your life, perhaps, means that you are not doing something right. Between us, the truth lies somewhere in the middle! It's a jumble of things! Certainly, it is the right opportunity to identify the reasons why this is happening, take stock and move on! To move forward, without having expectations from others, but only from yourself! So you won't be disappointed again! Or rather, you will be disappointed for your actions, yours, however, not the other's! You see your own actions are defined and determined by you, which means you have the power to change and settle your issues as you wish! You can't change the other person and you don't need to in the end. He himself has not granted you the right to do so!
Only by changing yourself, you will attract what you want and deserve!
Perhaps, of course, you wonder if you deserve it! Let me tell you something, you deserve it! You know why; Because while you are upset and cry, that you were abandoned, you have dignity and you accept it! You don't beg them! You have learned to stand your ground and not demand someone to stay by your side, just so you don't feel alone! You deserve it, because while you were "left" at a critical time in your life, you persevered and improved yourself! You invested in him, even though they "played" with your psychology and your limits! Even though they thought you would "bend"!
You see, no one informed them that you are a "fighter" and the feeling of survival, but also of your ambition to become great and top, outweighs any rejection!
Don't "pop" though! They will see along the way what they "lost"! But it will be too late! The point, of course, is to realize an hour earlier that you have to continue and forge your own path, at any cost! Whether you have company or not!
You will not cut corners to keep others! You will "hold" yourself, "pick up" your "pieces" and lead yourself again!
Arthrography: Alexia Styliani Kanakari

- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
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