What Balance do I want for myself?

ισορροπία 2

What does Personal Life mean to me?

What does Professional life mean to me?

What I want;

What do I need?

What is Important to Me?

ισορροπία προσωπικής και επαγγελματικής ζωής

The balance not it's the same for everyone!

I decide how I will shape my scales, that is, how much time and energy I will invest in each.

Where do I invest? What price am I paying? Am I ok with that?

If the answer is Yes… then I have the balance I desire.

The key lies in awareness!

Am I conscious of what is happening to me?

Is it a conscious choice of mine?


What can I do;;

  • I decide my Goals.
  • I make an Action Plan.
  • I'm making a Schedule to manage my time.
  • I determine my Priorities.
  • I say NO. I set my boundaries.
  • I'm Becoming Conscious.
  • I communicate… I share my feelings, thoughts and concerns with my people.
  • I turn to a specialist to achieve what I long for.

I find my own Balance!

It's up to me to experience the Life I'm Passionate about!

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