If you don't have goals, you become a goal!

στόχοι goals

Many talk about wishes and dreams...

But how do these become reality??

Setting appropriate Goals and taking immediate Action to achieve them!

What does 'appropriate' Target mean?

Not everything is for everyone… not all goals are suitable for everyone!


What is the Right Goal for You?

  • To begin with, it should be positively defined, that is, to refer to what you want to achieve, and not to what you don't want. It will not include negative words, nor 'no', 'don't' and 'don't'.
  • The appropriate target is attractive for you.
  • Place specific Aim to be clear about what you want. If you don't look where you want to go... you will go where you look!
  • The goal should be realistic, based on your own life circumstances, talents, abilities, skills... without this meaning that we do not set high goals.
  • Place time determination. It should be clear what you want to achieve and by when.
  • It should be measurable. That is, you define what it means to achieve it with numbers.
  • It is important to you evolves, to improve you... to take you one step further. Evolution is a basic pursuit in life.
  • Finally, it is important if you have it ownership! It should be your goal, no one else's. If you don't really want it, you will most likely give up at the first difficulty.

Do you have suitable Goals for you or are you Misguided??

Time for action!!!

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