Before you postpone it... Dare it!

Procrastination is about some fear.

  • I won't do it well.
  • I'm not good enough.
  • They will make fun of me.
  • I will not be accepted.
  • It will take a long time.
  • Others will do it better.
  • Why me;

So we end up making a lot of excuses to ourselves to avoid doing it.

  • I don't have the right sources.
  • I do not have time.
  • It's not the right time.
  • I will when…
  • I will if…
  • I'd better wait until…
Ξεκίνα Τώρα! Σαραγιώτου Γεωργία/ Saragiotou Georgia/ life coaching

All this leads to the delay of the development in any field that everyone wants.

So what do we do??


  • What Are You Missing Because of Your Procrastination?
  • What good will happen when you do?

Just start!! Let a small step towards your goal be enough!

  • Write in your Calendar with a specific day and time. Commit to yourself how it will begin.
  • Commit to your acquaintances or publicly how you will do it.

Start where you are NOW!!

Make the best use of the resources you have available and accept the current situation. Use it to your advantage.

Σαραγιώτου Γεωργία/Life Coaching/Πριν το αναβάλλεις , τόλμησέ το!
What will you do today to get where you want to go??