Life Coaching is a new discipline based on the principles of Positive Psychology and the Midwifery Method of Socrates

And you wonder... Life Coach: What exactly does he coach?
Life Coaching sessions can lead to its improvement Self-Esteem, Confidence, Relationships, Communication Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Work Performance, Work-Life Balance and Well-Being.
The Coaching process consists of the Life Coach (life coach) and the Coachee (client). The Coach is responsible for the process, while the Coachee determines the goals he wants to achieve, the criteria for their achievement and is aware of the commitment to the actions he will decide.
Essential elements of Life Coaching are:
mindfulness, positivity, optimism and gratitude.

Let's dig deeper…
THE Mindfulness it's about present moment awareness and full presence of mind in the 'here and now'. There are few moments when we are truly conscious, as we spend most of our lives inside our heads, lost in our thoughts of the past or the future. But what implications does this have for real life that is only in our present?
According to Positive Psychology, it is crucial to focus on the positive dimensions of human existence which are Happiness, Meaning of life, Virtues and positive elements of character. That is, the focus shifts from the problem, to the positives, solutions and success. Where you focus is where you will go and where you aim is what you will see! Where is your focus?
Positivity is the practice or tendency to have a positive or optimistic attitude and the more frequent experience of positive rather than negative emotions. Positivity builds: Optimism, Positive Self-Image, Sense of Adequacy, Maximizing Potential and Mental Resilience. We can increase it through acts of gratitude, forgiveness and kindness. What actions will you put into your life to increase positivity?

THE Optimism refers to a consistent tendency of the individual to believe that good things are more likely to happen to him than bad things. A person may be positively inclined for many reasons, either because of personal ability, because he feels lucky, or because he is favored by other people. Optimism is one of the predictors known to be associated with not experiencing depression. From 1 to 10, how optimistic a person do you feel?
THE Gratitude it is related to the appreciation of what we already have, i.e. the recognition of the value of our acquisitions, but also of our existence. Every person is unique, they have their reason for being and this is a gift in itself! What things are you deeply grateful for?
It's never too late to make your dreams come true
to claim the life you desire!
First Publication in the newspaper: Chaniotika Nea
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
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