Do you recognize the manipulative people in your life??

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There are also those people...

What features do they have?

  • They make you feel guilty
  • They blame you for their actions
  • They change their behavior and emotions according to their interest
  • When they lose an argument, they are wrong, they change the subject
  • They underestimate your abilities and accomplishments
  • They stick labels on you so that they cause an emotional reaction
  • They don't change their behavior when they say they will
  • They do not accept criticism and deny events that do not interest them
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So what do I do??

  • I recognize them!

I notice how I feel about the people I have in my life.

I observe the behavior of the people around me, especially those closest to me, that is, those I see on a daily basis.

  • I set my limits!

I do not tolerate behavior that does not coincide with my values.

  • I choose the framework to have these people in my life!

I recognize the extent to which their influence has some positive impact on my life. Not everything is black or white, if I choose to have them in my life I will have some benefit.

  • Fend off!

If there is no other alternative and at the same time removal is possible, this is also a possible solution. You certainly don't need people who don't develop you and don't make you feel good in your relationship!

We are the average of the people we associate with! The selection of our people is an important matter!!

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