A relationship ends though… I'm stuck there…
I want him back… going crazy…

Yes I want my Ex back...
What makes you want him back?
- Going back is easier. It's the familiar... the familiar. What you know! Your brain takes you to the familiar, not to what will evolve you.
- Habit plays a decisive role. We resist change, the new, the unknown.
- You can't stand loneliness. You'd rather be with the wrong person than be alone.
- You are having a hard time and you know that your ex will understand you. He knows you!
- Do you think it will change?

- You haven't found someone right now, a person who you feel deserves to be in your life.
- There is no other person left in your life. You have been disappointed by the following. Nobody is like him.
- Good sex
- Forgetfulness of the human brain: You remember the positives, the beautiful moments of the relationship and embellish the past. You forget how many times you cried, hurt, lost yourself, lost your dignity.
- Selfishness – Revenge: You've been hurt, broken up with, your insecurities hit. You may even want this person back so you can reject them.
- Lack of Selfishness/Dignity: You tolerate and tolerate... You want the security you felt in the relationship and forget its disadvantages.
- Jealousy: You find out how he moved on and you get mad.
- Confirmation: You want him simply to confirm you, to boost your self-esteem after the rejection of the breakup.
The same of course applies to both men and women!
Something I want you to remember…
Going back to the past doesn't fix the past,
but you are ruining your future!!
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
- lifecoaching.gs@gmail.com
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