You are now an adult…
What are you waiting for to take responsibility for your life, your choices, your behaviors, your feelings, your reactions??


Yes, the family is the first context in which a child lives and his parents shape him...they are a role model.

But now you're grown up... Your parents did the best they could, what they knew... What are you doing??

You are not your parents… and you don't have to be!


What am I doing to improve the relationship with my parents??

  • I forgive what happened in the past! Difficult in many cases... yes it is... I understand... But they belong there... in the past and they don't deserve the energy you spend today thinking about them and hurting you. You learn something from them... use your information and experiences to improve your own life and especially the relationship with your own children.
  • I focus on the here and now! How is that relationship now? What interaction are you in? How does it affect you? What can you do to improve it? What do you need?
  • I take responsibility for my own life! I keep what develops me and change what is necessary, what no longer suits me.
  • I accept my parents! Nobody is perfect! They did the best they could.
  • I express my Love in a way that they can feel it!
  • I improve the way we communicate, showing understanding for what they are experiencing.
  • I set my limits! Limits on control, communication, involvement they have in my life.
  • I choose the box that I will have contacts! There is no need to be together all day, nor to live in the same house, nor to communicate constantly.

Don't forget that your own child will also have some complaints from you... It's inevitable. That's how relationships are!

What will you do today that will improve your relationship with your parents tomorrow??

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