It's taboo, but it happens!

The focus is mainly on violence against women, but violence against men also exists within the context of the family. The reason for its non-recognition concerns its non-acceptance by men, due to shame, fear of being ridiculed and the absence of relevant institutions. It is a fact that society projects a model of a man who is in control and is 'tough' and 'strong', from which it is time to unhook.

The reasons why women use violence against their husbands are to resolve a fight, because of jealousy, infidelity and fights over financial matters. Abuse can be physical, sexual or psychological. It starts with insults, sarcasm, belittling, threats and can end up with throwing objects, gestures, hitting and other violent movements.

The effects of domestic violence on men are serious for their mental health. Women are likely to experience more severe physical abuse than men, but men's non-physical abuse can cause irreparable damage. Abused men may suffer from depression, lack of concentration, reduced functioning, social withdrawal, anger and irritability, feelings of sadness and hopelessness, or sleep and appetite disturbances. Additionally, PTSD is a common occurrence of domestic violence.
It is important for the victim to talk to experts, first for relief and then for finding a solution.
Lack of respect in relationships is not an acceptable phenomenon.
Abuse is about people, not gender!
First Publication: Coaching Dialogues powered by
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
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