Are you ultimately attracting toxicity or choosing it?

Does your life smell strongly of toxicity?
Are you surrounded by people who manipulate you, serving their respective interests?
Do you have people in your life who do not accept you and criticize you constantly?
Do you find it difficult to express 'Who' you really are to some people around you?
Would you be happier if some people didn't put obstacles, practically or emotionally, in your way?
If the answer to these questions is "yes", then it means that you are in contact with toxic people!

But before you make any decisions about how to handle this situation, pause and do the following:
- Take charge of your life! Don't constantly complain about attracting these types of people! Think about whether you are ultimately a toxic person for yourself or for someone else, as it is known that many times you attract what you are and represent! Who smells toxicity after all?
- Try to explore the reasons why you enter into relationships with toxic people. Maybe, for example, you have low self-esteem and in your attempt to belong to society, you are willing to hand over the reins of your soul to a man, at the risk of him directing you down paths you don't want?
- Don't blame toxic people, as you have allowed them with your apathy and forgiveness to "threat" freely in your heart and soul!
- Gain self-control over your emotions, thoughts and behaviors immediately, otherwise, accept the fact that you will be forced to obey the whims of others!
- Begin the journey of self-awareness with a mental health professional to get in touch with your true self, understand where you want to go, and then consciously avoid toxic situations or set limits on them so you don't your everyday life becomes dysfunctional!
- Make progress in areas and fields that really interest you, so that you feel strong and don't need the confirmation and approval of others!
So how can you effectively deal with these toxic people?
- Try to express in a calm way to the toxic person, the feelings that he causes you with his behavior!
- Do not use negative characterizations to express your displeasure and despair at his attitude!

So, if you see a positive aspect of the person in what you point out to him, then:
- Try to explain to him with arguments, why his behavior is dysfunctional for those around him, but also for him and what impact it will have on his life in the long run!
So if you see him becoming aware of what he tends to do, then:
- Urge her to see a mental health professional to find the root causes of her issue and get over it ASAP!
If, despite this, you notice that the person is not willing to change, then:
- Limit contacts with him, setting clear boundaries, or better move away from his life permanently, to protect your mental and physical health!
And if your life smells of toxicity, make sure to change the scent!
Know, at any moment, you can make changes! Don't be afraid of them!
Get out of your "shell", offer value and claim back something similar!
Don't settle for anything less!
Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
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