Does the opinion of the world define you?

They challenge you at every opportunity! It is as if they are waiting for you in the corner to "launch" irreversible verbal attacks at you! Indirect verbal attacks, imbued with irony, claiming that they want your good! Without even asking them for their opinion, they express it and try to impose it!
And while you know their opinion is baseless, it affects you! It affects you because it's happening all the time and you're trying to figure out what you're doing wrong. Because you care about what people will say!
Then, you come face to face with a harsh truth, which is none other than the fact that you are vulnerable! You are "fragile" and subject to their moods!
You expect that at some point you will become "immune" to the opinions of others! A moment that will come after successive "slaps" and disappointments, that will make you say: "Enough! It doesn't go any further! I'm tired of being "trampled" in my worst moments, but especially in my best moments! I won't let anyone tell me what I am again! Only I know what I went through to be where I am today."
But you know something? Don't reach your limit again so that you don't worry about the opinion of others! Don't subject yourself to this soul-destroying process!
Instead, start doing the following:
- Check every time who makes a remark to you! Is it a person with education and experience, or is it a person who has not accomplished even half of what you have done?
- Evaluate the way and mood with which someone criticizes you! Is she benevolent, constructive, and for your good, or is she looking for your discouragement?
- Ask yourself if you asked this person to point out any mistakes or omissions! If so, think about the reasons why you seek acceptance and recognition from this person!
- Think about whether you will accept any opinion and criticism as a universal truth for yourself, from which, consequently, you will not be able to detach yourself, or whether you will define what you are and what you can and want to be!
- Consider which opinion matters most to you! The one others have for you or the one you have for yourself?

Doubting and harsh criticism create a multitude of negative emotions, which you have to manage! That's when you have to enlist your mental resilience, put things on their realistic basis and act, guided by what you consider right and good for yourself! You should see this challenge as an opportunity to move on to the next track!
People will say whether you do something or not...
So make sure you are okay with yourself, because no one else will do it for you!
Columnist: Alexia Styliani Kanakari
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
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