Time to change course!

Critical moments of inner awakening, cause for a drastic change of course.
Some days are pivotal in your life! Days when you face hard truths! Truths, which for so long, you overlooked or did not give them due importance, due to your successive obligations. And then, everything changes! It's as if there is a "rift" inside! A "rift", so deep, that you are called to understand it, accept it and manage it properly. And you have no choice but to ignore it, as you feel that if you don't listen to the "inner" voice this time, not only will you not evolve, but you won't even survive! And the truth is, that when the question of life and death arises, the choice is only one, life! You see you are "scared" by the idea of death and Haru and ask to play one last game. You cannot and do not want to "leave" defeated. You want to fight it! You want to fight! You have seen that only when you fight, there is the possibility of winning. "Win" yourself, your self-esteem and learn all the lessons you need to walk with greater wisdom and prudence on the journey called "life".

So you "pick up" your broken pieces one by one and "put" them in order!
And how do you "get it"? You adopt new habits, which will take you one step closer to your goals, your dreams and you keep them, as long as they serve you and promote your well-being! I know it's hard to "unlearn" what you've known so far as given and taken for granted and to do things completely differently! But, you have to! And in order to make this transition, you need to change the beliefs you have about yourself! Your beliefs must go hand in hand with the actions and habits you seek to acquire! Otherwise, something will "go wrong" and you will give up! However, this does not mean that you should first change your beliefs in order to take the required actions. On the contrary, this process must be done in parallel! To do things and prove to yourself every day that you are worthy and that you are "better" than what you thought until now! And then, to take a paper and a pencil and record in detail, your victory and the feelings that come from this victory for you so that your disempowering beliefs gradually change. To change, because of the repeatability, which will prove that they have nothing to do with reality!
"Take" yourself by the hand and act!
Today, not tomorrow! Now, not later!
No more procrastination in your life!
Arthrography: Alexia Styliani Kanakari

- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
- lifecoaching.gs@gmail.com
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