They say that the best people are the most guilty!!
They care about the feelings of others and have self-criticism.
But, this can eat at them… torment them… or be easily exploited by others…

Let's start things from the beginning...
Did you do something bad?? Did you upset someone? Are you really guilty of something??
Well then… Apologize and Change Your Behaviour! An apology is just a word worthless if it is not accompanied by a change in behavior.
Is self-flagellation a favorite habit of yours?? Time to change your habits!
Time doesn't go back and this habit of yours will make you a more aggressive person who is never satisfied... We definitely don't want that!!

What do I do from now on??
I'm becoming the best version of myself and that definitely doesn't include guilt.
I operate based on my personal values and stay true to myself!

Caution! Is the guilt about others or yourself??
The most critical ones are the ones towards myself...
It's easier to forgive someone else usually than me…
These guilts come from the discrepancy between my actions and who I am, my identity and therefore my values.

What can I do to get better??
- I change the way I think... Then my feelings will change, then my actions and finally the results I produce.
- I speak more sweetly, with understanding to myself.
Finally... Consider...
Is it functional to have these guilts or am I that guilty?? Does it serve me?? Does it make me a better person?
Don't forget to be yourself! You deserve it because you are you!
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
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