Jealousy is a reprehensible emotion...


'I'm not jealous...' you repeat...

There is a veil of negativity surrounding jealousy though…

How would things be without her?? Would it be more indifferent?

Jealousy includes admiration, inspiration, excitement, but also fear, anger, irritation... It sends mixed messages and we experience mixed emotions.

On the one hand, it can be a driving force, but also a means of self-awareness. In other words, it helps you to recognize what you want, what you desire, what you are passionate about, what you like!! Your problem is not the other person who has achieved something, on the contrary, the fact that you have not mastered it.

On the other hand, it hurts you when it makes you go outside yourself, express it in an inappropriate way or at the expense of other people, and it has bad effects on your relationship with others, but also with yourself.

Σαραγιώτου Γ. Life coach

How will we manage our jealousy?

  • Define – Recognize: WHAT exactly is it that you envy!

e.g. You think you are jealous of the money someone has, but in reality you are jealous of the comforts they offer.

You are jealous of a fit/beautiful woman...but in essence you are jealous of the acceptance and love she receives.

  • Do Self-Observation!

'I'm not jealous' you say... But here's where you're jealous!

What do you tell yourself when you're jealous?

Where do you feel jealousy in your body?

  • Talk to yourself with love!

Ask him… What is it that you want us to have??

It's ok to be jealous... The point is to take action to conquer what you desire and not to criticize you for not having it, to lower your self-esteem or to oppress the people around you.

σκηνη ζηλειας
  • Recognize your uniqueness!

You are special and that's why someone chooses you!

If he doesn't want to be with you, he WON'T be, whether you're jealous or not.

  • In a scene of intense jealousy... Watch out!

Don't express yourself right away.. You will probably make things worse and not be able to save after the situation. Take your time, take a few deep breaths, calm down, and then think about what's wrong with you and discuss it with the right person.

  • Get into ACTION!

Once you've discovered what you want, it's time to make it happen. Work to master it and don't expect everything ready. You cannot be jealous of someone's success, while at the same time you are not willing to make the corresponding sacrifices that the one who succeeded made.

Really, what are you willing to do to get what you desire?

Jealousy is a useful tool for identifying your deepest desires!

Make the most of it!

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