What does a panic attack reveal?

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You are trapped in your life!

There is a repressed Desire that remains alive and knocks at your door to be dealt with. He wants your attention!

The more you try to avoid it, the more you avoid situations, people, places that might happen to you.

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What can I do;;

  • I'm turning to an expert!

Your time is precious, the more you delay it, the more it swells and eats you up. Do it!!

  • I focus on my Desire and not my Fear.

I strengthen the Desire to let the fear go.

I recognize her and take action to satisfy her.

  • I wonder…

What have I chosen?? 

What makes me happy?

What gives me joy?

  • I do things that calm me down,

e.g. bathing, deep breathing, walking, massage

  • I focus on the here and now. The fear is not real. 90% of our worries are things that will never happen!



Strong people have panic attacks that forgot their desires. It shows that you are a living organism!

It is a living symptom that rings your bell!

Deal with her!


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