I love me;;

If you put a point, from 1 to 10, to what extent do you Love You?
To find out, you can think about how you talk to yourself when you are alone!
I love me means:
- i accept me
- i respect me
- I operate based on my values
Of course, knowing me really, deeply is a necessary condition.
All this leads to having Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence!!
Self-esteem means loving me, valuing me, caring for me.
Confidence means believing that I CAN, believing in my abilities.
Of course, both are necessary!

What can I do to boost my Self-Esteem and Confidence?
- I'm going out of my comfort zone. I do things that I fear, that I find difficult.
- I write down the reasons I am proud of myself
- I use the mirror to my advantage. Talk to me nicely, smile at me.
- I ask myself: 'What do you expect from me to feel that I love you?' I make sure to do something every day or every week.
- Georgia Saragiotou
- +30 694 496 9035
- lifecoaching.gs@gmail.com
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