Dreams... from what we see in our sleep...


The psychological theories of the 20thu century believe that the hidden meanings of dreams can be unlocked by examining them in the context of a person's actual experiences.

Artemidorus or Dream Critic divided dreams into prophetic ones that foretell the future and non-prophetic ones that revolve around the anxieties and anxieties of the day.

A. Fogli states that everyday life affects dreams. Anxiety leads to dreams with a negative impact, but vice versa, dreams influence everyday decisions.

Dr Aiello believes that our dreams reflect our daily life and our character.

With dreams we satisfy unwanted desires, which are expressed through distortions where the fulfillment of the desire is disguised and the dream may seem ordinary.

Lacan states that the unconscious is structured like a language and dreams constitute a different writing or rather a puzzle with interrelationships of latent characteristics.


What is Lucid Dreaming?

Can you be conscious in your sleep? You will tell me here that it is difficult to be conscious while awake... But it is possible!

MILD Technique – Lucid Dreaming Mnemonic Challenge:

Sleep for 5 hours, wake up for a while and then go back to sleep. In this way REM sleep is encouraged which has more frequent lucid dreams. As soon as you wake up from 5 o'clock, try to remember what you dreamed and before you go back to sleep say 'I will remember that I am dreaming' or 'I will be conscious in the dream'.

Dreams have healing properties and this technique helps to avoid nightmares.


Some truths about dreams...

  • 1/3 of our life we sleep.
  • We forget about the 95% of our dreams.
  • About 12% of people have black and white dreams and this is due to exposure to black and white television during childhood.
  • You can control your dreams during REM sleep.
  • Negative dreams are more frequent.
  • There are some common dreams for everyone.
  • When you dream the body becomes paralyzed, as the motor neurons are not stimulated and this is called REM atonia. Sometimes sleep paralysis occurs, that is, after waking up, you continue to be unable to move for about 10 minutes.

Quality sleep is of the utmost importance for our health, both physical and mental!

Fill your life with beautiful feelings and situations

and your sleep will be just as enjoyable!

How far are you from living an enjoyable life?

What new can you put into your life?

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